MCSE Data Management and Analytics (MC4830)

Started on January 1, 1970


This course package is designed to prepare candidates for the 70-761, 70-762 and 70-764 exams to learn database development using SQL Server 2016.

Plan obuke

Querying Data with Transact-SQL (MS20761)

This course is designed to introduce students to Transact-SQL. It is designed in such a way that the first three days can be taught as a course to students requiring the knowledge for other courses in the SQL Server curriculum. Days 4 & 5 teach the remaining skills required to take exam 70-761.

Developing SQL Databases (MS20762)

This five-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to develop a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 database. The course focuses on teaching individuals how to use SQL Server 2016 product features and tools related to developing a database.

Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure (MS20764)

This five-day Microsoft SQL Server training provides participants who administer and manage SQL databases the knowledge and skills to administer an SQL database infrastructure. It will be useful to application developers who deliver content from SQL databases.

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Calculus Training Center se od svog osnivanja, 2016. godine, afirmisao za obuke i programe koji se odnose na Window Server sertifikaciju, namijenjenu osobama koje se bave projektovanjem, implementacijom, konfiguracijom i upravljanjem računarskim sistemima i Windows server infrastrukturom. S obzirom da se edukativni programi konstantno razvijaju, tako su i ciljevi Centra usmjereni na razvoj i unaprijeđenje. U skladu s tim, unaprijeđujemo i program Centra.